bio-development 5th Annual
21 - 22 MAY 2025 Boston, US
Attendee Profiles Confirmed Delegates
Delegate package summary Bio-development Global Congress, 2 day passes allows access to cohesive closed networking with fellow leaders to benchmark, learn, engage, procure and interact at the very highest level. Listen to over 70 World Class speakers and learn how to gain a significant competitive advantage, improve performance and accelerate progress whilst aligning decision-making and streamlining efforts in an ever-increasing regulated environment. (click on summary headings for brief description) Event Details : Bio-development Congress 2025 Venue : Marriot Waterfront, Boston, USA Date : 18th & 19th February 2025  Delegate Package Booking Form


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Innovate World Class speaker with the highest Credentials delivering unrivaled insight make up our compiling programs, if you would like to present to an interactive audience of pioneering industry leaders please contact
Collaborate Our summits are specially designed for company elites and span the entire Pharmaceutical and Life Science realm. For group bookings or an annual global members pass card please contact
Advance Market leader with cutting edge capabilities present great innovation. If end users gain a distinct advantage by using your product or services please contact
Delegates Inquisitions. The Producer. Sponsorship.
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